I love when the size and shape of my scraps will inform the nature of my next project. For ultra tiny scraps, here is a great project! Make a scrap bowl like this one below with a straight stitch machine, a bunch of 1"-2" by 3"-5" cut scraps, and a larger circle shaped scrap for the base!

Start with a template. For mine, I used two circles from the environment, a large paper plate for the outside shape, and then a small circle from the inside of a smaller plate. I cut out the smaller circle, placed it inside the larger cut circle and traced it. This is the place where I could aim all my darts so that there would be a "bottom" to the bowl *see following pics

Next make darts, which are basically sewn triangles coming from the inner circle and enlarging to the outer edge. Make them narrow and evenly between the sides, starting with one and then doing the next one across from it, attempt to acheive equi-distance, but I found that if it doesn't work out, and your bowl still holds a bowl like shape even if darts are not even, it will still work!

Start by laying long thin scraps in and sewing around and around, adding more as you go. sew in spirals, or from side to side, pivoting in any direction you choose. Don't worry too hard about the inner shape anymore, just let the fabric guide you, lay the strips around the inside, but if they fall outside they can be trimmed later.

Once you fill in the entire side, flip it over!

Start a new side, do not worry about the stitches or the bobbin stitches, just try to fill in and cross over all loose edges so they wont lift and show the underfabric

Flip over to test both sides, then trim the edges!